Saturday, November 27, 2010

Mixed fuel, better efficiency?!

If you want to test it on your own ride, that will be at your own risk.

I'd done the fuel consumption testing mixing with 2 different fuel brand [Esso + Petronas], and the result shows it could rech extra ~9.8% mileage.

share my testing with you:
- Mixing 2 types of fuel (Petronas, Esso mobil) on my X20 with full tank. Around 16 liter Petronas + Essomobil filled up to full tank.

Objective is to monitor how does it affect the Fuel Consumption as compared to using a single fuel brand in the full tank at a time.
What lead me to that testing? I noticed my normal driving style mileage improved while mixed with the 2 different fuel brand in an occasion.
E.g. fuel meter, the first indicator bar normally took up to 150km range.

I need to observe after a few full tank of the same approach, would it enhanced the FE. (fuel efficiency)

11.5 km/L (mixed fuel. Try at your own risk) (verdict: 9.8% deviation, or 54km mileage)
11.76 km/L (mixed fuel. Try at your own risk) (verdict: 11.4% deviation, or 63.8km mileage)
12 km/L (mixed fuel. Try at your own risk) (verdict: 15% deviation, or 79km mileage)

10.488 km/L esso fuel ron95

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